Monday, July 28, 2008

Great New(ish) Music!!!

I just want to tell everyone about a couple of new CD's you all ought to pick up. And these are probably two artists you've never heard of, because they're just beginning to get some radio play (at least in Utah).

CD #1: Holly by Justin Nozuka

The song you might know from this album is "After Tonight." It's just beginning to get radio play, but you don't hear it all that often. And while I do think that song is a great one, the whole album is really, really good. Out of 11 tracks, there's only one (or maybe two) that I don't really care for.

CD #2: Some Mad Hope by Matt Nathanson

This one's a bit older, released in 2007, and there are two tracks from this one seeing some radio play: "Car Crash" and "Come On Get Higher." The first is good, the second is better. And again, the whole album is great, with the exception of track 4 ("Gone"), which is just okay.

Seriously, check these guys out. They're kind of this alternative sound with some kind of folksy influence (in a good way). It's great stuff. And if you're getting audio here, the first two tracks on my playlist (at the right) are the radio hits from these albums.

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